Is it harder for a cancer survivor to get life or disability insurance?

Find the answers to your questions about life insurance after cancer or other serious illnesses. Do life insurance companies cover survivors? Are prices for such coverage more [...]


Have you heard that no life insurance company will pay death benefits to your beneficiaries if you commit suicide? This is not totally true or false; we [...]

The REAL PRICE to pay when buying a property!

An overview of the costs related to buying a property If this is your first time to buy a property, you will discover here the fees associated [...]

How much does a smoker pay for his life insurance?

ARE YOU PAYING FOR YOUR SINS? Smoking… Don’t be surprised if this bad habit serves as a big disadvantage for you when getting life insurance. Since the [...]

How to save money during a mortgage renewal?

GET SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS! When the time comes to renew a mortgage, the majority of policyholders accept the terms from their financial institution without complaint. Unaware that they [...]

Should I take life insurance if I am alone and have no children?

DOES A SINGLE NEED INSURANCE?   In the majority of cases, when we decide to consult an insurance broker to take out life insurance, we are thinking [...]

What are the differences between individual and group mortgage life insurance?

  HOW  DO YOU DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN TWO SIMILAR PRODUCTS?   Do you need to choose between a group or individual mortgage life insurance? It is not always [...]

Is it useful to take an individual mortgage life insurance?

  When we decide to take out an individual mortgage life insurance, we think immediately of the people we cherish most. Will they be provided for at [...]

How to protect your business with life insurance?

  GET INSURANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS TO LIMIT RISKS A life insurance policy is generally the best method for protecting one’s family and wealth, especially when succession [...]

Life insurance for a dentist: how to do your estate planning?

  MAKE GOOD DECISIONS AND LIMIT THE RISKS   Everyone would like to have the best knowledge, especially in the field of life insurance. Many dentists ask [...]

How much could you save by taking out your life insurance before age 35?

  If you are like most young and healthy people who don’t think about old age, this is for you. Far be it to mention to you [...]

How to avoid mortgage insurance by taking a life insurance?

Don’t fall into this trap and say «NO»!   You are about to make the most expensive purchase in your lifetime: the home of your dreams. This [...]

Why is critical illness insurance for children becoming more and more popular?

  ACCOMPANY YOUR CHILD IN THE HOSPITAL WITHOUT FINANCIAL WORRIES! No expense is minor when your child is critically ill. For example, the cost of parking your [...]

How to choose the right life insurance for you in Quebec?

  WHICH LIFE INSURANCE IS MOST ADVANTAGEOUS FOR YOU? Life insurance is protection for the people you are financially responsible for.  When determining the necessity of life [...]

Recognize the best offer in term life insurance to pay the right price

  WHAT IS THE BEST TERM LIFE INSURANCE IN QUEBEC? First and foremost, without going into what term life insurance includes, let us define it clearly: « Term [...]

Why turn to life insurance to pay for your funeral in Quebec?

RETRAITE QUEBEC AND THE BENEFIT OF $2,500 DOES NOT COVER THE COSTS When a deceased person does not have life insurance, it becomes difficult to pay for a [...]

5 things to verify if you have enough life insurance

  HAVE YOU RE-EVALUATED YOUR FINANCES SINCE YOU FIRST TOOK OUT YOUR LIFE INSURANCE? In Quebec, many people have life insurance. On the other hand, too few [...]

Is it possible to have several life insurances in Quebec?

CAN INSURANCE BENEFITS BE ACCUMULATED? Life insurance is a financial product that gives you financial protection (your estate) at your death. Your inner circle (spouse, parents, children, [...]

If you are a business owner, do not shun disability insurance

  WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR FINANCES IN CASE OF A DISABILITY? An entrepreneur who holds a disability insurance policy can use it to replace his income as [...]

Is it possible to have life insurance when you have AIDS?

75,000 HIV-POSITIVE CANADIANS ARE WAITING FOR THE ANSWER Nearly 20 years ago, the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA) would have been hard-pressed to find a [...]

How to deduct the premium from your life insurance?

  A TECHNIQUE FOR DEDUCTING LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS! If you think it is impossible to deduct the amount you pay for your life insurance policy from your [...]

How to effectively negotiate your life insurance in Quebec?

BE LIKE THE PROS AND PAY LESS! Is the topic of life insurance giving you nightmares? Read this! It will only take you a moment and you [...]

Why do so many Quebecers use to find life insurance?

A FREE service for life insurance in Quebec  It’s a breeze to shop for life insurance, no matter where you live in Quebec province! The innovative platform [...]

How to prepare your inheritance or your retirement with the help of RRSPs and life insurance

INVESTING IN LIFE INSURANCE RATHER THAN YOUR RRSP? How can you make sure that your parents don’t leave you in financial trouble? Can life insurance replace all [...]

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Compare Insurances Online is an online bid solicitation service for insurance brokers and direct insurers. Our network of partners covers Quebec: Montreal, Quebec, Laval, Longueuil, Sherbrooke, Trois-Rivières, Gatineau, etc. All types of insurance are available for all kinds of budgets.